In 1990 Prudencio Baños Torices opened a small law firm in Palencia to offer legal solutions to his clients. Until 1996, Prudencio established Baños Torices Abogados in Palencia; making the leap to increasingly important cases in Castilla y León.


In 2001 the firm grew by merging with I&CO consultancy and moving the firm to its current headquarters at Pl. Pío XII, 3 (Palencia). Since that year, Baños Torices Abogados has collaborated with different offices in Saldaña (Palencia), Valladolid and Madrid. At the same time and to this day, Prudencio is taking on cases of greater magnitude at a national and international level, collaborating with other offices.


Loyalty, honesty, closeness, quality and efficiency are the values ​​and pillars on which Baños Torices Abogados was founded, being present on a day-to-day basis. With more than 30 years of experience, the firm continues betting on work, people; which has allowed it to always grow together with its clients.



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Responsable del tratamiento: BAÑOS TORICES ABOGADOS,
Plaza Pío X11, Nº 3, Oficina 4-5 , PALENCIA

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